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The initial Command Disc which the designer automatically adds to all new craft has an integrated battery fuel tank, and gyro. During flight, however, crucial information about these components is missing, preventing you from transferring battery power from another component or seeing details like power remaining in the battery or consumption of the gyro.

Please fix this by adding the inspectorEnabled="true" attribute to the initial Command Disc's FuelTank and Gyroscope subparts.

Command Discs that are added manually in the designer have that attribute and work as expected. There's no reason the automatic one should be any different and it just causes confusion that feels inconsistent / buggy.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
t3 Droo 14 36kg Ground 0.0 m/s
AirContainer1 Droo 40 70,229kg Ground 0.0 m/s
CyleroFlyby-2Y.176D Juno 3 264kg 22,479.0 Mm 2.38 km/s
TydosMulti1 Droo 6 9.19E+5kg 142 km 3.42 km/s
TM-TT1 Droo 11 79kg 86 km 3.54 km/s
TM-Tydos Tydos 6 1,553kg 11,764.8 Mm 4.69 km/s
TM-TT2 Juno 10 882kg 12,905.6 Mm 3.40 km/s
TM-Brigo Brigo 22 461kg 61 km 512.0 m/s
TM-Telescope Droo 18 14,144kg 251.8 Mm 216.0 m/s
TM-GNSS Juno 16 21,398kg 35,406.7 Mm 4.17 km/s
TM-Sergeaa-3Y.84D-224 Sergeaa 4 3,154kg 958 km 1.94 km/s
QuadGNSS Droo 23 1.72E+5kg 24,801 km 786.0 m/s
QuadGNSSb Droo 30 1.15E+5kg 8,800 km 1.50 km/s

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