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Auto Credit Based on ColonelStriker's Possible CoL/Strcutural Panel bug

If the wing has been resized before adding a control surface, this would happen. In this state, said control surface isnt selectable



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
New Droo 14 0kg 306 km 3.24 km/s
New Droo 21 0kg 634 km 2.70 km/s
XR-3 Medium Droo 24 6,144kg 158 km 3.35 km/s
Launch Pad Tower Droo 8 4,774kg Ground 0.0 m/s
XR-3 Medium Droo 64 14,838kg 458 km 3.03 km/s
XR-3 Medium Droo 27 0kg 158 km 3.34 km/s

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