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Auto Credit Based on DaffaMaulana's Backup 7

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Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Salyut 6 Earth 72 28,279kg 932 km 7.22 km/s
MIR Space Station Earth 2581 2.43E+5kg 305 km 7.73 km/s
Luna 2 The Moon 47 418kg 2,352 km 978.0 m/s
Radiation Observation Satellite Earth 267 20,949kg 339 km 7.71 km/s
Radiation Cubsat Earth 48 54kg 346 km 7.70 km/s
Watcher-1 Observation Satellite Earth 140 12,175kg 467 km 7.64 km/s
Exo Mars Orbiter Mars 101 57,608kg 2,817 km 2.36 km/s
Juno Jupiter 100 6,646kg 14,161.6 Mm 2.16 km/s
Pathfinder Mars 181 2,694kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Tianwen 1 Orbiter Mars 158 16,643kg 2,798 km 2.46 km/s
Exo Mars Rover Mars 172 2,606kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Tianwen 2 Rover Mars 160 217kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Venera 13 Orbiter Venus 154 7,588kg 730 km 7.00 km/s
Venera 13 Lander Venus 115 3,595kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Curiosity Rover Mars 661 8,990kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Mars 119 40kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NOAA-15 Earth 125 53,958kg 311 km 7.73 km/s
MAVEN Mars Probe Mars 92 10,649kg 3,090 km 2.59 km/s
Kepler Space Telescope The Sun 61 9,446kg 209,847.9 Mm 25.83 km/s
Mercury Lander Mercury 95 64kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Mariner 10 Mercury 63 18,354kg 77 km 2.95 km/s
Cassini Saturn 357 21,613kg 536.2 Mm 7.92 km/s
Akatsuki Venus Climate Orbiter Venus 67 779kg 14,621 km 3.43 km/s
Tianwen 3 Rover Mars 529 7,260kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Daffa Space Telescope The Sun 518 2.16E+5kg 189,967.2 Mm 25.61 km/s
Sputnik 1 Earth 19 83kg 303 km 7.73 km/s
Huygens Lander Titan 132 2,212kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Dragonfly Titan Probe Titan 98 1,708kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Mangalyaan 2 Mars 225 5,119kg 2,797 km 2.78 km/s
OPTSAT Earth 105 495kg 1,850 km 6.77 km/s
Uranus Observer Uranus 37 8,118kg 60,199 km 7.43 km/s
Seeking Jupiter Orbiter Jupiter 309 8,507kg 115.5 Mm 24.38 km/s
Enceladus Observer Enceladus 108 719kg 196 km 126.0 m/s
Lunokhod Europa 204 762kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Europa Lander Europa 95 64kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Spitzer IR Telescope Earth 99 2,143kg 198 km 7.79 km/s
Hubble Space Telescope Earth 647 82,698kg 512 km 7.62 km/s
TESS The Sun 34 1,748kg 150,971.1 Mm 29.76 km/s
Aidridringane Mars Rover Mars 92 2,401kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zhurong Orbiter Mars 292 20,026kg 271 km 3.46 km/s
Mars Odyssey Mars 48 1,014kg 8,627 km 1.54 km/s
X-Ray Moon Satellite The Moon 266 20,691kg 501 km 1.45 km/s
M-ARGO CubeSat Pallas 513 20,546kg 1,528 km 76.0 m/s
Io Observer Io 100 6,845kg 684 km 1.49 km/s
Messenger 1 Communication Earth 204 8,331kg 630 km 7.52 km/s
Ekspress-2000 Earth 111 2,827kg 1,015 km 7.35 km/s
Cipher Spysat Earth 101 3,846kg 685 km 7.51 km/s
Unity - Zarya -Zvezda Earth 300 1E+5kg 644 km 7.51 km/s
SOHO Alpha Earth 56 9,937kg 542 km 7.61 km/s
Dafar Communication Satellite Earth 144 50,564kg 892 km 7.39 km/s
Blue Origin Space Station Earth 1064 2.33E+5kg 500 km 7.62 km/s
Mars Surface Observation Lander Mars 71 3,363kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter The Moon 121 27,658kg 25 km 1.67 km/s
LN-700 Earth 41 1,207kg 792 km 7.47 km/s
Space Terminology and Thermochenistry Satellite Earth 227 2,118kg 2,771 km 6.63 km/s
Mangalyaan 1 Mars 91 2,871kg 14,962 km 894.0 m/s
SCT-A Earth 120 3,806kg 958 km 7.37 km/s
Tariaw Space Telescope Earth 357 14,568kg 3,083 km 6.49 km/s
La Tero Space Station Earth 1314 4.18E+5kg 552 km 7.60 km/s
Ourland Space Station Earth 2583 76,280kg 324 km 7.72 km/s
Venus Double Detector Orbiter Venus 174 19,840kg 1,218 km 6.73 km/s
Mars 3 Mars 141 4,338kg 271 km 3.43 km/s
Moon Beacon The Moon 53 0kg 2,648 km 1.07 km/s
Ground Beacon The Moon 41 1,665kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Tiangong 1 Earth 174 16,076kg 291 km 7.74 km/s
FengYun 2 Earth 332 11,542kg 1,595 km 7.07 km/s
Viking Orbiter Mars 196 3,940kg 319 km 3.44 km/s
James Webb Space Telescope The Sun 178 14,614kg 141,349.7 Mm 30.51 km/s
Phoenix Lander Mars 835 12,485kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Shenzhou And Tiangong 2 Earth 617 30,596kg 309 km 7.69 km/s
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mars 81 3,114kg 142 km 3.49 km/s
Luna Reconnaissance Orbiter The Moon 69 371kg 58 km 1.65 km/s
SIAT-2 Earth 51 4,769kg 3,050 km 6.51 km/s
SIAT-1 Earth 224 2,766kg 2,101 km 6.85 km/s
Ariel 1 Earth 72 181kg 473 km 7.64 km/s
ISS Earth 2214 5.18E+5kg 586 km 7.56 km/s
Sojourner Rover Mars 38 171kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Double-Satellite for Measurement of Earth Space Earth 230 346kg 2,006 km 6.99 km/s
Uranus Satellite Uranus 99 4,071kg 33,933 km 10.81 km/s
Voyager 2 The Sun 159 3,747kg 1,797,426.4 Mm 13.52 km/s
The Mother Ship The Sun 35 354kg 15,456,572.1 Mm 19.21 km/s
Voyager 1 The Sun 159 3,747kg 10,479,003.3 Mm 19.51 km/s
Lunokhod 1 Rover The Moon 207 1,558kg Ground 0.0 m/s
KuaiZhou-1 Earth 71 945kg 972 km 7.25 km/s
Tun-1 Earth 219 11,578kg 802 km 7.46 km/s
The Mother Ship Earth 35 354kg 313 km 7.72 km/s
Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1 Earth 116 158kg 244 km 7.79 km/s
The Mother Ship The Sun 35 354kg 362,178.6 Mm 14.53 km/s
Galileo Orbiter Jupiter 190 2,385kg 496.0 Mm 14.26 km/s
Cubesat 1 Earth 10 25kg 131 km 7.81 km/s
Waseda-Sat 2 Earth 13 298kg 147 km 7.80 km/s
Cubesat 2 Earth 8 52kg 115 km 7.84 km/s
Cubesat 3 Earth 9 108kg 141 km 7.82 km/s
RadCube CubeSat Earth 480 5,589kg 347 km 8.28 km/s
OSIRIS-REx Pallas 294 15,252kg 3,379 km 50.0 m/s
OSIRIS-REx Pallas 294 15,252kg 107 km 205.0 m/s
Salyut 7 Earth 483 41,779kg 227 km 7.78 km/s
Perseverance Rover Mars 921 1,374kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Mir Project Earth 582 70,342kg 298 km 7.73 km/s
Skylab Earth 896 27,945kg 254 km 7.75 km/s
Skylab-702 Earth 491 5.37E+5kg 261 km 7.74 km/s
Skylab-703 Earth 229 3.07E+5kg 260 km 7.74 km/s
Mars 4 Mars 167 7,417kg 293 km 3.40 km/s
Salyut 1 Earth 318 22,189kg 161 km 7.81 km/s

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