Auto Credit Based on Chtite451SR2's E.N.D.E.R and EXplore Program Space Station Sandbox

Me and Chtite are making a joint space station together and i sent up the second modual. A astronaut storage room for future manned missions! Fit with a solar array and doors on the docking connectors!



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
!Ender and EXplore Program station module launcher-4 Droo 29 6,485kg 171 km 3.54 km/s
!Ender and EXplore Program station module launcher-5 Juno 11 2,614kg 14,714.3 Mm 21.89 km/s
!Ender and EXplore Program station module launcher-6 Juno 11 2,614kg 14,711.2 Mm 21.92 km/s
!Ender and EXplore Program station module launcher-7 Juno 11 2,614kg 14,713.9 Mm 21.89 km/s
!Ender and EXplore Program station module launcher-8 Juno 11 2,614kg 14,717.0 Mm 21.86 km/s
!Ender and EXplore Program station module launcher-11 Droo 29 6,485kg 739 km 2.56 km/s
ststion hub in launcher Droo 11 64,404kg 126 km 3.36 km/s
ststion hub in launcher-24 Droo 3 47,330kg 124 km 3.37 km/s
E.N.D.E.R and EXplore Program Station-25 Droo 1 420kg 124 km 3.37 km/s
ststion hub in launcher-27 Droo 632 2.02E+5kg 122 km 3.37 km/s

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