Auto Credit Based on carsonlink2000's Minimus land




Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
New Buran SSTO Kerbin 512 74,203kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The L-1 Kerbin 3 1,072kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Juniper Cunningham Kerbin 1 106kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Big Fast 3.0 Kerbol 38 6,567kg 5,620,110.9 Mm 12.45 km/s
The Big Fast 3.0 Kerbin 58 18,822kg 176 km 3.21 km/s
The Big Fast 3.0 Kerbin 58 18,824kg 184 km 3.19 km/s
The Big Fast 3.0 Kerbin 58 18,824kg 177 km 3.21 km/s
The Eagle Satellite Ike 392 213kg 7,605 m 527.0 m/s
The Eagle Satellite Mun 392 213kg 19 km 783.0 m/s
The Eagle Satellite Kerbin 392 213kg 181 km 3.20 km/s
The Eagle Satellite Kerbol 392 213kg 174.7 Mm 98.19 km/s
The Eagle Satellite Kerbol 392 213kg 745,440.0 Mm 6.67 km/s
A CLOUDS. 1 Kerbin 136 7,659kg Ground 0.0 m/s
A CLOUDS. 1-30 Kerbin 133 2,403kg 143 km 3.25 km/s
Oosksks Kerbin 11 765kg 179 km 3.20 km/s

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