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Auto Credit Based on NebulaSpaceAgency's Craft explodes when trying to land on Orcus

Nav-Ball map view when around Nebra is stuck as a Navy blue and shows no surface features, just blue



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Paradox-1C Cylero 252 83,457kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Empty Fedya-C2 Droo 202 7.93E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Fedya C2 w Pollux 1 Cylero Mission-14 Juno 77 1.03E+5kg 20,431.9 Mm 14.63 km/s
Fedya C2 w Pollux 1 Cylero Mission-15 Juno 54 51,775kg 47,401.8 Mm 12.19 km/s
Fedya C2 w Pollux 1 Cylero Mission-17 Tydos 81 43,969kg 112.2 Mm 6.59 km/s
Fedya C2 w Pollux 1 Cylero Mission-16 Nebra 161 50,217kg 84 km 1.15 km/s
Fedya C2 w Pollux 1 Cylero Mission Nebra 74 12,168kg 32 km 794.0 m/s
Fedya C2 w Pollux 1 Cylero Mission-24 Nebra 175 32,623kg 32 km 1.01 km/s

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