this plane here was landed at the other far away iland since i started the game juno today I'm landing it back to dsc sense i landed it here a month ago and you guys can fly it or return it to its home airport if you guys want which is dsc airport or whatevr thats called and have a great day
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Planetary System: Juno System
- Planets: 20
- Game Time: 1,735.0 days
Name | Location | Part Count | Mass | Altitude | Velocity |
3 | Droo | 260 | 4.37E+5kg | Ground | 0.0 m/s |
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637 Aviationguy771
This plane is not mine i just customized the nose and the windows better and the heat durability
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Concorde 2.0💀