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Auto Credit Based on Krydax's ion engine doesn't show power usage in designer

as i've been dealing with the current bug where it doesn't register walking distance, i've had to keep save + exiting, and reloading to walk around. As i've done that, I keep getting new "landings" on TT with my drood. I get a new one every time, which obviously shouldn't count cause it's not a unique new craft.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Brigo Orbiter Juno 25 984kg 14,750.4 Mm 2.47 km/s
Brigo Orbiter Brigo 21 185kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Brigo Orbiter Brigo 21 206kg 1,601 km 206.0 m/s
Brigo Orbiter Brigo 13 26kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Brigo Orbiter T.T. 24 239kg 500 km 14.0 m/s
mannedLander1 Brigo 10 2,482kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Brigo Orbiter T.T. 24 161kg Ground 0.0 m/s
deepSpaceProbe1-113 Cylero 8 2,752kg 224.7 Mm 383.0 m/s
mannedLander1 T.T. 12 2,322kg Ground 0.0 m/s
mannedLander1-116 Droo 4 1,610kg 61,178 km 106.0 m/s
Sally R. T.T. 1 116kg 4,337 m 13.0 m/s

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