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To recreate, make a craft with multiple command pods and connect the section containing one command pod to the section containing the other command pod. Place (an) Ion Engine(s) on one section. Load into a sandbox and be in orbit. Activate the Ion Engine(s). Activate time warp. Watch as the two docked parts of your craft immediatly separate upon time warp activation and you either leave half your craft behind or crash into the other half. Be big mad. Get happy in the same pants you got mad in. Submit a bug report and call it a day.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Hammerhead Interplanetary Spaceliner-7 Earth 5 35,839kg 79 km 3.43 km/s
Hammerhead Interplanetary Spaceliner-8 Earth 21 1.52E+5kg 73 km 3.43 km/s
Reginald Bush-9 Earth 10 3,507kg 73 km 3.44 km/s
Hammerhead Interplanetary Spaceliner-15 Earth 5 28,731kg 71 km 3.44 km/s
Hammerhead Interplanetary Spaceliner-16 Earth 3 2,173kg 73 km 3.43 km/s
Hammerhead Interplanetary Spaceliner-17 Earth 3 2,173kg 73 km 3.43 km/s
Hammerhead Interplanetary Spaceliner Earth 134 2.15E+9kg 1,159 km 27.52 km/s
Hammerhead Interplanetary Spaceliner-19 Earth 238 2.15E+9kg 94 km 2.81 km/s

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