3 downloads Unlisted

Craft will occasionally spawn beneath the terrain layer, or phase through, (too far to see). Making the mission impossible.

I don't have a screenshot, so the one present is only to file the report.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
3srocket5c3-urados1 Juno 4 3,780kg 12,526.4 Mm 4.36 km/s
3srocket5e-cylero1 Juno 4 6,580kg 10,949.4 Mm 3.82 km/s
3srocket5e2 cylero? Juno 9 14,108kg 13,898.3 Mm 3.29 km/s
Brigo Rover Brigo 22 2,963kg Ground 0.0 m/s
3srocket4c T.T. 13 7,069kg Ground 0.0 m/s
3srocket4b Luna 22 13,356kg 2,953 km 236.0 m/s
cylero orbit 1 Juno 5 2,289kg 14,618.8 Mm 3.19 km/s
Luna Rover Luna 26 3,083kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Space Port Esperanza Droo 283 1.12E+6kg 300 km 3.18 km/s
Luna Lander 2 Luna 29 1,064kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Luna Rover 2 Luna 68 862kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Luna Rover 3 Luna 68 862kg Ground 0.0 m/s
3srocket5c4b4 Luna 102 16,681kg 5,411 km 441.0 m/s
Damaged SimpleCrew Spacecraft Droo 37 7,452kg 161 km 3.34 km/s
plane3b4 Droo 18 6,421kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Damaged SimpleOffroad Droo 82 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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