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Auto Credit Based on Azxo's pousemo

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  • Predecessor: pousemo
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Planetary System: TheSolarSystem
  • Planets: 31
  • Game Time: 709.0 days


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Gateway to Mars The Moon 307 9.18E+5kg 60,116 km 109.0 m/s
Handeleine Station Earth 1844 2.49E+6kg 5,498 km 7.00 km/s
Handeleine Station-6 Earth 1 51kg 5,527 km 6.98 km/s
Harmony ISS Earth 471 16,669kg 400 km 7.67 km/s
Lightyear lunar sat The Moon 16 1,867kg 56 km 1.65 km/s
CISS-II Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-III Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-IV Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-V Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-VI Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-VII Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-VIII Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-IX Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-X Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
CISS-XI Earth 29 535kg 1,500 km 7.11 km/s
SARA-I Earth 85 135kg 1,499 km 7.11 km/s
Vryheid Earth 172 321kg 36,235 km 3.05 km/s
TDRSS-01 Earth 588 4,161kg 35,689 km 3.08 km/s
TDRSS-02 Earth 587 4,199kg 35,690 km 3.08 km/s
Commander-02 com lander lunar The Moon 39 1,195kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Commander-02 com lander lunar-57 The Moon 36 1,103kg Ground 0.0 m/s
JSL-02 Earth 80 8,306kg 735 km 7.51 km/s

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