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Auto Credit Based on Majakalona's Simple Areospace, Inc

i was playign around witha. jet engine and set the bypass ratio to -2 witch made it invisible i dont remember much of it but i set it back and it made the simpleairways go under the base then go halfway under the base. also the shroud texture is glitched and just shows up as a black color.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
STTO Tydos 72 15,974kg 7,303.3 Mm 554.0 m/s
- SimpleCargo-138 Droo 32 6,577kg 1,119 km 2.43 km/s
STTO Tydos 78 16,215kg 4,941.1 Mm 969.0 m/s
SimpleRetro Droo 16 1,639kg 961 km 2.60 km/s
SimpleHeavy Droo 9 12,385kg 550 km 2.95 km/s
New Cylero 10 10,491kg 1,614 km 846.0 m/s
SimpleCargo Droo 26 8,558kg 185 km 3.27 km/s
MarsSat Droo 11 10,493kg 375 km 3.02 km/s
SimpleCargo Droo 24 2,419kg 224 km 3.20 km/s
SimpleCrew Niobe 265 4.23E+5kg 1,972 m 15.0 m/s
SimpleRetro Droo 43 7,728kg 482 km 3.01 km/s
SimpleHeavy-1913 Droo 23 11,636kg Ground 0.0 m/s
The Block Tydos 22 206kg 96,224 km 4.06 km/s

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