


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
[Infinity]The DL4 Rocket Earth 1965 2.67E+6kg Ground 0.0 m/s
cube rocke Earth 6 1,550kg 1,739 km 6.92 km/s
cube rocke-17 Earth 3 8,751kg 1,769 km 6.89 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod Earth 959 6.16E+6kg 410 km 8.19 km/s
Westin Knox Earth 1 106kg 411 km 8.19 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-26 Earth 1 200kg 410 km 8.19 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod Earth 959 6.16E+6kg 1,582 km 7.06 km/s
Westin Knox Earth 1 106kg 1,582 km 7.06 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-29 Earth 1 200kg 1,582 km 7.06 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod Earth 956 6.15E+6kg 1,560 km 7.08 km/s
Westin Knox Earth 1 106kg 1,555 km 7.08 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-32 Earth 1 200kg 1,558 km 7.08 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-33 Earth 5 1,129kg 1,560 km 7.08 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod Earth 7 2,427kg 2,249 km 6.49 km/s
Westin Knox Earth 1 106kg 2,249 km 6.49 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-36 Earth 1 200kg 2,249 km 6.49 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-37 Earth 1 66kg 2,249 km 6.49 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-38 Earth 960 6.17E+6kg 2,249 km 6.49 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod Earth 7 1,790kg 574 km 7.80 km/s
Westin Knox Earth 1 106kg 2,279 km 6.46 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-43 Earth 1 200kg 2,279 km 6.46 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-44 Earth 1 66kg 2,279 km 6.46 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors and escape pod-46 Earth 921 6.15E+6kg 2,278 km 6.46 km/s
Random space station Earth 160 41,788kg 2,323 km 6.43 km/s
Random space station-48 Earth 1 30kg 2,323 km 6.43 km/s
Random space station Earth 2 652kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Random space station-51 Earth 145 37,945kg 2,328 km 6.42 km/s
Random space station working paracute-54-55 Earth 28 96kg 333 km 8.24 km/s
Random space station working paracute-54-55-56 Earth 1 60kg 355 km 8.24 km/s
Random space station working paracute-54-55-57 Earth 1 69kg 514 km 8.13 km/s
Random space station working paracute-54-58 Earth 1 200kg 363 km 8.25 km/s
Random space station working paracute-54-55-59 Earth 1 200kg 475 km 8.15 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod Earth 2 1,126kg 485 km 8.09 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-62 Earth 1 39kg 549 km 8.05 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-63 Earth 48 1.37E+5kg 504 km 8.08 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-64 Earth 1 597kg 747 km 7.91 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-65 Earth 1 597kg 836 km 7.83 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-66 Earth 1 597kg 1,100 km 7.62 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-67 Earth 36 7.24E+5kg 515 km 8.08 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-68 Earth 5 80,420kg 578 km 8.03 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-69 Earth 1 78kg 720 km 7.93 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-70 Earth 1 78kg 610 km 8.01 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod Earth 5 10,248kg 517 km 8.07 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-72 Earth 1 39kg 575 km 8.02 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73 Earth 48 1.37E+5kg 456 km 8.10 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-75 Earth 1 597kg 884 km 7.80 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-76 Earth 1 370kg 435 km 8.11 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-77 Earth 1 597kg 804 km 7.84 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-78 Earth 1 597kg 308 km 8.18 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-79 Earth 1 597kg 251 km 8.26 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-80 Earth 21 1.85E+5kg 637 km 7.98 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-81 Earth 5 80,453kg 740 km 7.89 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-82 Earth 3 52,968kg 545 km 8.05 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-83 Earth 1 78kg 698 km 7.92 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-84 Earth 1 78kg 564 km 8.04 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-73-85 Earth 1 78kg 569 km 8.04 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-87 Earth 1 39kg 589 km 8.00 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-88 Earth 84 8.6E+5kg 592 km 8.00 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-88-89 Earth 1 455kg 551 km 8.04 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-88-90 Earth 1 313kg 573 km 8.01 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-88-91 Earth 1 597kg 613 km 7.98 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-88-92 Earth 5 80,416kg 633 km 7.97 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-88-93 Earth 1 41kg 744 km 7.85 km/s
International Space Station ISS with a escape pod-88-94 Earth 1 78kg 618 km 7.98 km/s
New Earth 1 1,095kg 919 km 7.69 km/s
New-96 Earth 1 1,095kg 919 km 7.68 km/s
New-97 Earth 1 1,095kg 919 km 7.67 km/s
New-97-98 Earth 2 1,295kg 919 km 7.70 km/s

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