Having a planet targeted while entering its SOI results in errors every frame
Select Mars as a target and then warp until the SOI is entered. Recieve the following exception every frame.
(frame: 128804) - Enter info taking a long time: 61 iterations...breaking
UnityEngine.Debug:LogErrorFormat(String, Object[])
ModApi.Assert:LogAssert(String, Object[]) (at ModTools/ModApi/ModApi/Utilities.Assert.cs:156)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.Sim.OrbitAnalyser:GetClosestEncounterInfo(Double, IOrbitNode, Double, Nullable1, Nullable
1, IOrbitNode, Double, String) (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/Sim/OrbitAnalyser.cs:211)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.Targeting.TargetingManager:UpdateClosestEncounter(MapOrbitInfo, Double, Double, Double, MapOrbitInfo, Double, EncounterInfoScript, EncounterInfoScript, List1, List
1, IMapViewCoordinateConverter, INavigationTargetProvider, String) (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/Targeting/TargetingManager.cs:524)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.Targeting.TargetingManager:OnAfterCameraRepositioned() (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/Targeting/TargetingManager.cs:264)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.MapViewScript:UpdateMapItems() (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/MapViewScript.cs:1178)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.MapViewScript:LateUpdate() (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/MapViewScript.cs:1013)
- Predecessor: Error restoring chain nodes: expected SoiEnterNodeScript to be created.
- Successors 1 sandbox(s)
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Planetary System: SolarSystem
- Planets: 6
- Game Time: 49.0 days
Name | Location | Part Count | Mass | Altitude | Velocity |
Test Craft 1 | Smoon | 16 | 0kg | 15 km | 735.0 m/s |
TempTest2 | Sun | 31 | 24,913kg | 24,560.4 Mm | 13.39 km/s |