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Weird things happen whenever I go above 60km at orbital velocity.

On the first launch I was experiencing intense heating (no plasma visual effects observed) and drag while at 60km,
then I did another launch in which I experieced no drag but there are drag visual effects displayed.

In both situations I was able to time warp (even though in the first launch I was experiencing drag while not time-warping)



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Behemoth Smearth 69 66,514kg Ground 0.0 m/s
K-III Smearth 74 4,760kg 101 km 3.40 km/s
Rover Smars 48 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Horizons Sun 19 0kg 18,037.8 Mm 26.33 km/s
Smoon Pixie challenge Smoon 40 17,167kg 194 km 604.0 m/s
Capsule Smearth 70 16,006kg 12 km 3.55 km/s
Capsule Launcher Smearth 45 21,143kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Capsule Launcher Smearth 64 36,760kg 62 km 3.45 km/s

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