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Auto Credit Based on eekee's Seat rotation snaps to forward when dragged

In a previous version, I got in the habbit of using the Steam overlay to take notes, especially keeping to-do lists for the vessels I built. In this version, I find that every time I close the Steam overlay, some sort of console pops up.

I changed the keybinding of the Steam overlay, but it continued to happen, so I changed it back. My normal keybinding for the Steam overlay is Ctrl-/ . The alternate keybinding I tried was Ctrl-; . (Right-Ctrl in both cases.)



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Big Red B Droo 8 2,706kg 141 km 3.81 km/s
Calira Droo 30 8,028kg 11 km 345.0 m/s

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