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Auto Credit Based on Mod's The Drood has fallen and he can't get up.

Weird bug, not easily explained in a small title form. What's essentially happening here is the BF3 APC bug. You throw the astronaut at the water really hard and he bounces back into the air with just as much momentum if not MORE. I've been dropping him from around 800m and he hits water at 92m/s and then skyrockets back towards the sky at over 150m/s

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load sandbox
  2. Click on astronaut and take control
  3. Watch as the astronaut falls to the water.
  4. Notice that the astronaut will 9 times out of 10 shoot back into the sky with great momentum. Most of the times more than he entered with.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SimpleCargo Droo 42 3,852kg 112 km 3.39 km/s
New Airplane Droo 11 579kg 894 m 311.0 m/s

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