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Auto Credit Based on MYLVLEI3's V0.9.204.0 bug when blueMan drags and links

  1. There is a loophole in dragging the icon of the main body. The icon has shifted. 2. Modify the main frame to have displacement.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Meng yu 1hao gui dao tan ce wei xing Droo 202 4.27E+5kg 150 km 3.34 km/s
Meng yu 2hao gui dao tan ce wei xing Luna 202 2.32E+5kg 101 km 663.0 m/s
Meng yu 3hao deng yue huo jian Luna 137 2.12E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Mengyu aerospace company Droo 1825 3.42E+6kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Meng yu 3hao deng yue huo jian tan ce che-01 Luna 129 20,587kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Guo ji kong jian zhan Droo 1460 3.05E+5kg 300 km 3.18 km/s
Meng yu 3hao deng yue huo jian tan ce che deng lu cang Luna 72 3.42E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Yuan zheng 6hao tai kong chuan tuo yun chuan Droo 1887 4.3E+5kg 332 km 3.15 km/s
Yuan zheng 4hao tai kong chuan jiu sheng chuan Droo 658 26,636kg 452 km 3.04 km/s
T-70 X-Wing Starfighter Droo 576 11,397kg 614 km 2.90 km/s

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