0 downloads Unlisted
Auto Credit Based on DinkleMeister's Launch Cloud textures broken when nav sphere isn't used.

Sound from engines do not get muted/paused when the ESC menu is opened in flight.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Gimmick Smearth 7 0kg 404 km 3.18 km/s
Craft-3 Smearth 3 0kg 118 km 2.37 km/s
Craft-4 Smearth 12 0kg 115 km 2.38 km/s
Craft-5 Smearth 12 0kg 122 km 2.36 km/s
To the Smoon! Smearth 41 80,686kg 480 m 161.0 m/s

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