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Orbit(Periapsis) < 100000 returns false on the launch pad, for example, yet it's certainly not true that the Pe is greater than 100000.

Orbit(Periapsis) returns NaN when the periapsis is negative, but this cannot be detected in Vizzy.

Most programming languages do not allow testing against NaN (x==NaN will always return false), rather you need to use a special function.

So this is really too bugs, that Pe is not negative on the launch pad, and that NaN cannot be detected.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.8.402.0
  • Planetary System: SolarSystem
  • Planets: 6
  • Game Time: 0.0 days


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SimpleHeavy Droo 31 47,438kg 217 km 3.88 km/s
SimpleHeavy Droo 52 0kg 85 km 1.14 km/s
Craft-33 Droo 20 0kg 59 km 475.0 m/s
Craft-34 Droo 20 0kg 63 km 448.0 m/s
SimpleHeavy Droo 92 6.58E+5kg 2,639 m 174.0 m/s
SimpleHeavy Droo 92 7.42E+5kg 530 m 163.0 m/s


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    @golias counter intuitive and not user friendly.

    in most software environments NAN is a bug. Making NAN a feature is problematic and adds unessesary complexity to our scripts.

    4.7 years ago
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    0 golias

    You can test it using the following trick:

    isNan (x) = (length of (format ({0:f5}) (x))) = (3)

    A non-NaN number will be formatted in something like "87.12345", whose length is always different than 3. The NaN is the only "number" whose formatting to 5 decimal places yields a string with 3 characters.

    Other option:

    isNaN (x) = (not ((x) = (x)))

    Hackinsh, but works :)

    4.9 years ago

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