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https://youtu.be/7GLLjVZw2i8 this is so frustrating. I launched a brand new craft, stayed focued and commanding it the entire flight up, rendezvoused without issue and when it comes to actually completing the mission, it locks me out of it for some unexplicable reason



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Orbiter - Lunar flyby (Yuri) Droo 7 1,674kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Juno Fly By Juno 4 55kg 19,051.5 Mm 2.96 km/s
Docking Pod - (Kolton Boone) Luna 42 9,748kg 1,666 km 373.0 m/s
Docking Pod - crashed Brigo 34 4,040kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Gas Station Droo 70 32,614kg 499 km 2.99 km/s
Droocrew T.T. 71 16,611kg 173 km 32.0 m/s
Droocrew Brigo 61 13,436kg 9,450 m 571.0 m/s
Rescue Rover - (Sally) Brigo 30 3,115kg Ground 0.0 m/s
MX5 - 50t Droo 41 46,546kg 299 km 3.18 km/s
MX5 - 50t Droo 74 60,734kg 299 km 3.18 km/s

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