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Auto Credit Based on KraZIvan's Subassemblies become "unmirrored"

After switching form one craft to another, the rotators become inverted and do not function as before. (the grid fins in the picture should be extending away form the rocket body but instead they are going into the body after switching back to this craft)

  1. Fly rocket and separate into 3 parts (core + 2 boosters)

  2. switch to one of the boosters

  3. Activate grid fins

  4. switch to another booster, activate fins

  5. switch to original booster, rotators are now inverted




Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
xnav - RWY 27 DME Droo 43 18,945kg Ground 0.0 m/s
z - Lunar ReconOrbiter Luna 54 0kg 91 km 671.0 m/s
z - Mars ReconOrbiter Cylero 54 0kg 192 km 1.40 km/s
Arda LunarHub Alpha Luna 90 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Gostir Lander (Luna) Luna 302 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Toyo Transport Mk-1 Luna 350 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
JT Rover-1 Luna 591 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
BR Droo 207 1.71E+5kg 2,261 m 105.0 m/s

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