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Auto Credit Based on JoshMan's Current Ship icon likes to dance

Very tricky. Take a stab at it



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
New Smearth 5 0kg 1,312 km 2.61 km/s
Sock Finder Smoon 24 2,057kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Sock Finder Sun 4 0kg 14,497.7 Mm 19.00 km/s
Craft-13 Sun 3 0kg 14,295.4 Mm 19.23 km/s
Sock Finder Sun 4 0kg 14,333.3 Mm 17.93 km/s
Craft-19 Sun 4 0kg 14,303.4 Mm 17.98 km/s
Craft-20 Sun 4 0kg 14,304.0 Mm 17.98 km/s
Craft-21 Sun 5 0kg 14,333.3 Mm 17.93 km/s
Sock Finder Smearth 4 0kg 135 km 3.43 km/s
New Smearth 3 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Smearth 10 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Smearth 11 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Battery Smearth 15 3,137kg 735 km 2.81 km/s
Battery Smearth 15 2,631kg 733 km 2.81 km/s

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