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Auto Credit Based on lhanfei04's Waiting for 1 second code time error is too large

Time accuracy is affected by the number of threads. When the number of threads increases, the longer the code waits for 1 second to execute, the greater the error from the actual time.
When the number of threads is smaller, the code execution time waiting for 1 second is shorter than the actual time.
When using an infinite loop of waiting for 1 second code as a timer, the error increases over time and is affected by the number of threads.
No matter what spacecraft, what command module, or waiting for "x" seconds, there are significant errors.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
GEO satellite(Vizzy) Earth 16 1,984kg 13,107 km 1.05 km/s
GEO satellite(Vizzy) Earth 21 7,309kg 145 km 3.33 km/s
New Earth 28 3,105kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Earth 5 12,055kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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