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the new capsule gyroscope is bugged as it will use max power to correct itself and the power doesn't decrease when it is pointing where I want it to be so it keeps fighting itself. This only occurs when the capsule has no other parts connected to it ( it stilldoes that when heat shield is attached) as shown in the image. I only tried this capsule so maybe others have the same problem as well but I will try later.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Satellite Mun 18 755kg 174 km 658.0 m/s
Satellite Minmus 18 755kg 27 km 219.0 m/s
Satellite Eve 18 755kg 237 km 4.47 km/s
Satellite Moho 18 755kg 105 km 1.06 km/s
Satellite Duna 18 755kg 100 km 1.27 km/s
Satellite Dres 18 755kg 50 km 513.0 m/s
Satellite Jool 18 755kg 429 km 9.54 km/s
Satellite Eeloo 18 755kg 70 km 773.0 m/s
small rover Duna 58 7,991kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Moon lander Mun 125 21,594kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Moon Base 1-131 Mun 152 47,146kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Antenna Mun 68 11,117kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Moon Base 1-173 Mun 156 56,136kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Moon lander Mun 125 22,539kg Ground 0.0 m/s
People transport Kerbin 1511 3.12E+5kg 279 km 3.10 km/s
Anika Orozco Mun 1 106kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Anika Orozco-211 Mun 494 4,278kg Ground 0.0 m/s
moon base Mun 96 1.27E+5kg 151 km 687.0 m/s
People transport Kerbin 317 4.85E+5kg 403 km 2.97 km/s
small rover Minmus 105 7,991kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Kerbin 1 1,155kg 292 km 3.07 km/s

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