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I have a pair of space craft that start out their life docked. One of them has a Flight Program added to a Block using the tinker panel. The Flight Program reports the craft's position every 8 seconds. After undocking it continued to report the original craft's position instead of it's own. Once it gets beyond 10 km the nav position expression stops working entirely (just reports the same position repeatedly).



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Missile Target Droo 16 2.69E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Super Simple Satellite Droo 35 0kg 101 km 3.40 km/s
Position Bug Test Droo 55 6,332kg 100 km 3.40 km/s
Position Bug Test-8 Droo 27 3,521kg 100 km 3.42 km/s

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