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If i send this particular propeller into space then back into atmosphere it seems to "forget" its back in atmosphere and does not produce thrust again. Haven't tried any other propellers yet. I've tried 2 different atmospheres JUNO/SEGERRA and no dice. I can get the propellers to work if spawn on JUNO but once they leave the atmosphere and come back no thrust is present at any RPM. Could this be due to them being slightly damaged? None are fully destroyed during this process but theres almost always a bit of damage. The attached picture is after leave JUNO atmo and returning. Even if im going too fast and turn them on (or increase blade pitch) i'd expect to see some kind of difference especially when they are at a normal blade pitch angles of regular blades.

Happy Bug Hunting



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
To good orbit Brigo 13 1,675kg Ground 0.0 m/s
To good orbit T.T. 13 2,119kg Ground 0.0 m/s
to cylero-173 Brigo 3 5,223kg 1,081 km 228.0 m/s
Around Town T.T. 16 1,316kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Droo Refueler Droo 20 86,827kg 111 km 3.39 km/s
Refueler 2 Droo 23 88,366kg 115 km 3.40 km/s
Solar System Cruiser Herma 4 1,061kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Segeraa1-329 Sergeaa 16 1,784kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Segeraa1-330 Sergeaa 16 1,764kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Segeraa1-331 Sergeaa 16 1,784kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Cylero 1-352 Cylero 26 1,388kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Cylero 1-353 Cylero 26 1,768kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Cylero 1-362 Cylero 26 1,466kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Around Town Juno 19 3,988kg 15,398.9 Mm 2.84 km/s
Tydos1 Tydos 116 5.3E+5kg 6,591.8 Mm 431.0 m/s
Tydos1 Nebra 72 43,934kg 399 km 871.0 m/s
Tydos1-425 Juno 4 23,956kg 215,271.7 Mm 6.97 km/s
Around Town Herma 16 2,024kg 80 km 52.0 m/s
Around Town-433 Juno 3 1,137kg 14,636.8 Mm 3.13 km/s
speed rover-473 Droo 3 49kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Droo Space Station Droo 81 2.85E+5kg 89 km 3.54 km/s
Vulco 1 Vulco 153 57,821kg 256 km 1.65 km/s
Vulco 1-494 Juno 4 23,956kg 7,114.3 Mm 4.06 km/s
Vulco 1-496 Vulco 34 1,711kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 29 2,261kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Segeraa2 Prop Plane Explorer test-508 Droo 25 2,731kg 1,450 m 344.0 m/s

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