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This R-7 replica with a Mars probe by KirRu seems to have the upper stage and fairing disappear. But why is this happening? Just load this rocket and launch it in classic system from launch pad and shortly after the boosters separate this happens. Can someone please fix this bug? Thank you very much



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Fully Automated Lunar Lander Luna 93 10,543kg Ground 0.0 m/s
ISS (w Starship) Droo 532 1.14E+6kg 301 km 3.18 km/s
ISS (w Starship)-28 Droo 2 43kg 301 km 3.18 km/s
Sprint Missile - WIP Ballistic Target Tracking Droo 18 75,072kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Mars-2(Mars-3) USSR Droo 548 1.2E+5kg 147 km 753.0 m/s
Mars-2(Mars-3) USSR-32 Droo 23 7,128kg 73 km 665.0 m/s
Mars-2(Mars-3) USSR-33 Droo 23 7,128kg 83 km 545.0 m/s
Mars-2(Mars-3) USSR-34 Droo 23 7,128kg 83 km 545.0 m/s
Mars-2(Mars-3) USSR-35 Droo 23 7,128kg 80 km 630.0 m/s

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