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Auto Credit Based on AndrewGarrison's Activating stage causes exception

  1. Enter Map View
  2. Select manuever node
  3. Select Warp 300x (not warp-to-node, just normal Warp)
  4. Wait for player to crash into Smearth

I removed the Map View Inspector stuff, and it still happens. Here is the exception:

MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'MapPlayerCraft' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.
Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object.
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.Items.MapCraft.Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.UI.ICameraFocusable.get_Position () (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/Items/MapCraft.cs:340)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.MapCameraScript.UpdateCamera () (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/MapCameraScript.cs:312)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.MapViewScript.UpdateMapItems () (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/MapViewScript.cs:1175)
Assets.Scripts.Flight.MapView.MapViewScript.LateUpdate () (at Assets/Scripts/Flight/MapView/MapViewScript.cs:1012)



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Ion Dude Smearth 14 953kg 3,315 km 1.37 km/s
Ion Satellite Smearth 19 2,731kg 2,075 km 2.27 km/s
Blaster Smearth 5 3,387kg 362 km 1.93 km/s
Craft-21 Smearth 3 2,316kg 362 km 1.93 km/s

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