Auto Credit Based on ItsCatOMG's SimpleRockets 2 Community Sandox (ESS)

Pretty much a continued version of that one sandbox i found that is a community one.
All i did was land my lander on Luna with 2% of fuel left.
You know where this is going.
OG: https://www.simplerockets.com/s/wt62b0/SimpleRockets-2-Community-Sandox-ESS



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
ComnSat 1 Droo 35 3,542kg 125 km 3.37 km/s
AstroTelescope Droo 22 3,654kg 145 km 3.41 km/s
AstroTelescope-8 Droo 9 73,535kg 224 km 3.23 km/s
Unmanned Orbital Capsule Luna 6 549kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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