Auto Credit Based on PZLAgencies's Large Update

Spacecraft docked to the PZL Brigo Space Stationand PZL T.T. Space Mini Station.


  • Predecessor: Large Update
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Planetary System: Juno System
  • Planets: 22
  • Game Time: 120.0 days


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Zyster s Ostum Lander on Piano on Zyster s Centeru Launch Vehicle Luna 9 3,402kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Piano Gluas Lander on Piano Resmoka Launch Vehicle Luna 31 9,558kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zyster s First Prototype Plane Droo 35 65,266kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Londerburst LB-390-900 Droo 44 2.82E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Londerburst Bingol Lander on Londerburst Rocket 3 Brigo 29 20,633kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zyster s Trti Orbiter Probe on Zyster s Joied Launch Vehicle T.T. 34 20,384kg 22 km 69.0 m/s
Londerburst LB-390-900 Droo 44 2.46E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Piano One Staged Launch Vehicle Droo 13 20,169kg 385 km 3.10 km/s
Piano Utnaec Satellite on Piano Overpowered Launch Vehicle Droo 7 16,721kg 1,418 km 2.77 km/s
Zyster s QuickSat on Zyster s Ranmut Launch Vehicle Droo 11 3,245kg 1,004 km 3.24 km/s
PZL Luna Space Station Luna 116 1.08E+5kg 203 km 608.0 m/s
PZL Brigo Space Station Brigo 142 3.48E+5kg 57 km 519.0 m/s
PZL Space Station Droo 138 1.5E+5kg 405 km 3.30 km/s
Londerburst Canyhop Core Station on Londerburst Bentelg Launch Vehicle Droo 47 87,309kg 388 km 3.09 km/s
Londerburst Canyhop Core Station on Londerburst Bentleg Launch Vehicle. Droo 47 87,119kg 376 km 3.10 km/s
Londerburst Canyhop Core Station on Londerburst Bentleg Launch Vehicle. Droo 47 87,182kg 393 km 3.09 km/s
Londerburst Canyhop Core Station on Londerburst Bentleg Launch Vehicle. Droo 47 87,502kg 365 km 3.11 km/s
Piano Launch Vehicle 5 T.T. 25 18,166kg 55 km 47.0 m/s
PZL T.T. Space Mini Station T.T. 131 2.86E+5kg 20 km 70.0 m/s
Piano Launch Vehicle 7 Droo 10 19,424kg 10,977 km 864.0 m/s
Zyster s ZY-313-300 Zyster s Air ZY-3103 Droo 38 2.15E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Zyster s Perton Launch Vehicle-257 Droo 9 60,121kg 267 km 3.12 km/s
Zyster s Perton Launch Vehicle-258 Brigo 4 29,057kg 47 km 531.0 m/s
Zyster s Perton Launch Vehicle-259 Brigo 3 30,844kg 49 km 527.0 m/s
Piano Nobtom-O Launch Vehicle-262 Droo 9 31,572kg 239 km 3.49 km/s
Piano Nobtom-O Launch Vehicle-263 T.T. 9 1.03E+5kg 34 km 57.0 m/s
Piano Nobtom-O Launch Vehicle-264 T.T. 5 29,481kg 40 km 53.0 m/s


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