I downloaded your enginuity (2020) and it wont fly



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
International Space Station 23 Earth 2420 0kg 180 km 7.80 km/s
International Space Station 23 Earth 2420 0kg 180 km 7.80 km/s
International Space Station 23 Earth 2420 0kg 180 km 7.80 km/s
International Space Station 23 Earth 2420 0kg 180 km 7.80 km/s
International Space Station 23 Earth 2420 0kg 180 km 7.80 km/s
Voyager 1 lite The Sun 7 760kg 1,768,493.4 Mm 13.33 km/s
Voyager 1 lite-10 The Sun 4 0kg 135,691.0 Mm 25.34 km/s
Voyager 1 lite-11 The Sun 4 0kg 170,678.8 Mm 16.37 km/s
L. I. A Space Station with Interiors 0.1 with crew Earth 967 6.16E+6kg 178 km 7.80 km/s
Ingenuity - Mars 2020 Helicopter Mars 119 40kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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