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Auto Credit Based on ShakzDar's Don't liftoff straight

Fuselage stuck after radial interstaging. It was a row of 5 secondary engines, 4 were decoupled but this one was stuck. Not understable as they all were mirrored from same part



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
New Smearth 10 0kg 2,626 km 1.66 km/s
Flight I Smoon 13 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craft-18 Smearth 7 0kg 22,371 km 665.0 m/s
Flight I Sun 26 0kg 14,156.9 Mm 18.56 km/s
Craft-30 Smearth 7 0kg 167 km 3.91 km/s
Flight I Smoon 16 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Craft-42 Smearth 7 0kg 440 km 2.99 km/s
Flight I.2 Smearth 37 88,238kg 100 km 1.32 km/s
Craft-45 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-46 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-47 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-48 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.26 km/s
Craft-49 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-50 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-51 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-52 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.26 km/s
Craft-53 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-54 Smearth 4 1,216kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-55 Smearth 4 3,736kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-56 Smearth 4 3,736kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-57 Smearth 4 3,736kg 97 km 1.27 km/s
Craft-58 Smearth 4 3,736kg 97 km 1.27 km/s

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