Auto Credit Based on Gcat's Blueflite dreamglider

controls: roll = clockwise, counter-clockwise rotation (horzontal rotation) ,yaw = pitch forward and backward, pitch not neaded. steps to take off: 1. put throttle up to 45% 2. rotate craft 90 degrees counter-clockwise 3.increase throttle to 100% 4. wait aproxamatly 2 seconds to take off 5. angle to 27 degrees foreward on angle adjust circle (the verticle adjuster) Now you can do whatever you want to do!



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Kyleigh Snow Droo 1 106kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Regina Mcintyre Droo 1 106kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Airplane-16 Droo 1 38kg Ground 0.0 m/s
**CHALLENGE** Droo 47 75,758kg 107 km 209.0 m/s
dragon capsule abort system Droo 21 1,638kg 1,316 m 296.0 m/s

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