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Auto Credit Based on XLAerospace's submerged intro luna

i dont know why that happened
it just happened
jet powered glide colides into ground and this happens



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
R-7 Sputnik 1 Droo 24 461kg 193 km 3.30 km/s
Craft-1126 Luna 219 22,304kg Ground 0.0 m/s
R-7 luna 9 Luna 255 4,971kg Ground 0.0 m/s
R-7 Mars-1(Mapc-1) Cylero 241 11,343kg 62 km 1.52 km/s
R-7 Luna-3 Luna 139 0kg 528 km 476.0 m/s
LEM Luna 535 10,650kg Ground 0.0 m/s
CyleroPioneer Cylero 62 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
LK lunar module Luna 735 0kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Nasa Insight Mars Lander Cylero 664 14,901kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Moon Lander -- Auto Program Luna 27 4,372kg Ground 0.0 m/s
ChangZheng 1 and Oriental red 1 Luna 29 2,595kg 1,763 km 330.0 m/s
Solar Probe Droo 27 0kg 384 km 3.09 km/s
chandrayaan 2 BY AMBUS SPACE Cylero 95 1.35E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
chandrayaan 2 BY AMBUS SPACE-1684 Cylero 71 4,005kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Atlas V With Curiosity Cylero 570 5,018kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New-1715 Droo 42 1,257kg 540 km 2.80 km/s
New-1718 Droo 42 1,257kg 500 km 2.89 km/s
New-1719 Droo 42 1,257kg 436 km 3.01 km/s
Simple Communication Satellite Droo 60 2,331kg 533 km 3.13 km/s
SimpleBeast real Droo 75 1.91E+5kg 909 km 2.50 km/s
SimpleBeast real Luna 39 9,034kg 1,263 km 348.0 m/s
SimpleBeast real-1733 Luna 11 3,376kg Ground 0.0 m/s
ChangZheng 1 and Oriental red 1 Droo 29 173kg 1,061 km 2.26 km/s
small lunar probe-1751 Luna 8 16,516kg 620 km 445.0 m/s
small lunar probe Luna 75 0kg 565 km 471.0 m/s
small lunar probe Luna 62 1,104kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Micro Moon Lander Luna 36 1,396kg Ground 0.0 m/s
One Space OS-M Droo 66 1,501kg 1,161 km 2.35 km/s
New Droo 36 8,099kg 356 km 3.23 km/s
chandrayaan 2 BY AMBUS SPACE Luna 95 1.37E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
chandrayaan 2 BY AMBUS SPACE-1788 Luna 71 4,005kg Ground 0.0 m/s
nova super heavy JMB Droo 13 3,820kg 317 km 3.06 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1797 Droo 6 2,740kg 312 km 3.10 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1798 Droo 6 2,740kg 203 km 3.30 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1799 Droo 6 2,740kg 285 km 3.12 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1800 Droo 6 2,740kg 225 km 3.25 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1801 Droo 6 2,740kg 325 km 3.04 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1802 Droo 6 2,740kg 128 km 3.47 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1811 Droo 6 2,740kg 303 km 3.10 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1812 Droo 6 2,740kg 160 km 3.41 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1813 Droo 6 2,740kg 333 km 3.04 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1814 Droo 6 2,740kg 305 km 3.10 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1815 Droo 6 2,740kg 141 km 3.49 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1816 Droo 6 2,740kg 188 km 3.38 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1817 Droo 6 2,740kg 424 km 2.91 km/s
nova super heavy JMB-1818 Droo 6 2,740kg 268 km 3.21 km/s
New Droo 2 1,042kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Juno Tydos 167 0kg 42,120 km 12.76 km/s
New Droo 42 42,208kg 1,208 m 139.0 m/s
danny's rocket Droo 140 1.23E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Jetglider Droo 19 206kg 264 km 264.63 km/s

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