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Auto Credit Based on Olleus's Orbit glitch in non-player craft

The value given in Vizzy by Performance -> Max Engine Thrust is subtly wrong. It doesn't take into account the Max Engine Throttle setting accessible in-flight by the part inspector. That is, it gives the correct value when the default max throttle is at 100%, but doesn't scale it up or down when the max throttle is changed.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Urados - Quadrireme I Spacer Juno 15 2,495kg 78,031.5 Mm 1.54 km/s
*Planetary Tracking Droo 17 78kg 100 km 3.40 km/s
Tydos - Quinquireme I Flyer Juno 25 9,596kg 46,831.5 Mm 1.51 km/s
Handrew - Quinquireme II Microlander-98 Handrew's Comet 23 8,247kg 93 km 43.0 m/s

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