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Auto Credit Based on jyap8's Rover mission sample collection bug

I have no clue what happened but when I was time warping with the river on my way to the moon I got message (suspension bar exploded from overheating)

Is that even possible???

The only source of heat at the time was the sun…



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
First Orbit Designer Tutorial Droo 4 112kg 94 km 3.41 km/s
First Orbit Designer Tutorial cubesat (improved) Droo 6 153kg 190 km 3.25 km/s
First Orbit Designer Tutorial cubesat (improved) Droo 34 122kg 1,848 km 1.79 km/s
First Orbit Designer Tutorial cubesat (improved) Droo 3 139kg 193 km 3.29 km/s
First Orbit Designer Tutorial cubesat (improved) (5) Droo 53 144kg 115 km 3.50 km/s
TT ORBITER T.T. 15 6,963kg 58 km 51.0 m/s
T.T. ORBITER/LANDER T.T. 18 5,266kg Ground 0.0 m/s
BRIGO LANDER Brigo 19 3,667kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NCR 1.4 (everything) Luna 31 9,492kg 332 km 504.0 m/s
What the CYPRUS Juno 14 21,574kg 14,286.4 Mm 3.31 km/s
Brigo orbiter/lander Brigo 18 5,894kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NCR 1.5 WIP Luna 12 5,226kg Ground 0.0 m/s
HELIOSYNC Droo 16 17,360kg 998 km 2.65 km/s
TT LANDER T.T. 17 6,484kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NCR 1L-113 T.T. 29 1,249kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NCR 1L Luna 17 12,109kg 69 km 704.0 m/s
NCR 1L-128 Luna 29 938kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Space Port Esperanza Droo 49 46,957kg 299 km 3.18 km/s
NCR 2 (Uncrewed)-150 T.T. 29 1,109kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NCR 1L-153 T.T. 29 1,239kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NCR 2.1 (lander)-196 Droo 3 7,498kg 160 km 3.38 km/s
NCP 4 Droo 40 21,986kg Ground 0.0 m/s
NCR 2L (Skycrane)-209 Luna 65 857kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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