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Auto Credit Based on NathanMikeska's Audio glitches during recenter

Launch the rocket using the crossfeed boosters. Notice that one of the boosters runs out a fuel a few seconds before the other.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SLS I Droo 31 8,318kg 626 km 2.90 km/s
Craft-4 Droo 1 0kg 205 km 3.43 km/s
SLS I Droo 43 18,534kg 641 km 2.87 km/s
Craft-10 Droo 1 19kg 188 km 3.34 km/s
Atlas V (442) Droo 327 3.16E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Tutorial Droo 20 65,491kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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