Player Biography
What can I say? Im just another human in the human population lol and I make systems and crafts...sometimes.
Got JNO back and will do a lot of systems ( I literally have their lore typed out in Samsung notes lmfao)
I also do hope to hit 1k before the end of the year (accomplished 29th or 30th of october 2024)
1.5k 23 November 2024AD
2k 11 December 2024AD
2.5k 29th December 2024 (iirc)
3k 23rd March 2025
if you are bored here are my interests:
Aerospace engineering
Firearms (military, civic,historic)
Cars (I was quite a car geek as a toddler until I was about 9-10)
Aircrafts and historical aircrafts (Military)
Naval (historical and military)
Blowing sh*t up
Science (its only thgough science and technology a species can truly evolve)
History (ancient egypt, world wars, ancient civilisations as well, but Ik more abt egypt when it comes to civilisations)
Taking care of my cat (her name is enid btw)
Sci-fi (I know quite a bit abt star wars, some Warhammer 40k and some about All Tommorrows and I have no mouth and Must scream. I wanna get into Star trek, Battlestar galactica and many more sci fi franchises except for moonfall (moonfall literally threw physics out of the window like how I used to throw minecraft villagers into deaths reach!)
religion (Well kinda, I love science but im no athiest, Im a guy who believes all gods exist)
Legos (who shouldn't be lol)
Experimenting with food (possibly when im older, would love to experiment with grains I havent consumed as well as citrus)
quotes (self made):
If you ever feel crippled, just remember, saturns moon 100 million years ago went through the same thing literally, and got turned into beautiful rings, just remember, change is imminent, but there is a positive
Its the job of the scientists of the past to pave the way to the future
The chances of you being born a human, are 1 in 400 trillion,
For perspective that's 400,000,000,000 to
Let us not forget, thats only the chance of you being human, chances for you being you, with your physical and non physical traits as well as being born in your time period are even smaller!
The chances of YOU being born were extremely low, many other people couldve been born instead of you, however, you were born, as yourself, a human, in this time period, on this planet, no matter what crap other people or life throws at you, be greatful you were born as yourself and forget abt the crap, even the worst of days can be turned good.
Humanity is an extremely spoiled species, for a good number of reasons, we are short lived and out star hasn't expanded into a red giant yet within our lifetimes, out core has not solidified and our magnetic field hasn't died, our moon and sun appear the same size in the sky, we have the privilege to see a perfect solar eclipse, another rivaling intelligent species hasn't evolved and made us go extinct here on earth, an alien invasion (haha ik it sounds cringey and cheesy however aliens could invade us) hasn't occurred driving us to extinction, nearby stars haven't gone supernova causing earths biosphere to collapse, we survived a near extinction event in 2004 (it was something regarding a magnetar iirc), we haven't been hit by an asteroid, GRB, rogue planets, native planets or undocumented dwarf bodies, blackholes, stars themselves nor do we have any quasars facing us as well as many other possible things.
Asteroids haven't hit us nor did any other thing before they became known to us, we are short-lived and achieve a lot of things within out lifetime, many other species out there may have possibly gone extinct within their primitive era due to these factors, all things that couldve ended us haven't, we survived world wars, plagues and volcanic eruptions and because a certain hero (Vasili Arkhipov) said "no"
And then there are celebrities complaining because the plastic went into the wrong buttcheek as if it's the end of the world.
Its only through science and technology a species truly evolves
Knowledge, apart from dogs, cats and family, is one of mans best friends
The only real weapon and saviour is your mind, use it to crush foes and help those in need
I'd rather forgive an unsuccessful operation, than nothing done (not mine, but some dude's in infinite lagrange)
Some people are like white dwarves, they try to Type-1A Supernova you, just dont care abt them
Engineering contraptions are like food, you can tamper with it to your needs, add whatever you want, but as long as it fulfills its main purpose, thats all that matters.
On a universal spectrum, you and everything you know is small, it doesnt matter (I dont mean that offencively), so what size does that make your problems?
Following your dreams isnt cringy or cheesy. no matter how long youve dreamt of them for.
In all of earths phases, there were mass extinctions, life as we know it, couldve gone extinct......yet what did life do? It never gave up, it got back up and rebuild itself!
Most people work exponentially harder than you, most people go through more trauma than you ever did, but that doesnt mean you do nothing, that doesnt mean, you went through nothing, or are going through something, it is still something you do or are going through, and it must be treated that way.
There are people who are better at your proffession/dream/interest than you, but at some stage in life, you have to learn that you are not the best!
SCIENCE SUPREMECY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I had to ok)
You get smart women, you get dumb women, you get smart men, you get dumb men, there is no marter or better gender, Men and Women are subspecies of Humankind, its that easy to understand, we are one!
Always be skeptical
You could drop dead at any moment, but no, you didnt yet, be greatful, life may throw crap at you, but you gotta flush it down the toilet where it will be forgotten about, and just move on.
War is where politicians cause the younger generation to kill itself for nothing.
Being alone is scary....but having company is also scary, who knows what aliens could do to us?
somewhere in the future, 2 bored aliens could be watching earth as it is now, watching you.
Sometimes Life treats people like lego's It breaks them up, and builds them up, but stronger and more practical.
Life in this universe is rare and not know to exist anywhere else other than earth! So dont even think of unaliving yourself, or that bug (unless its one that will harm you or a flea (Die Flea and Tic Scum!)) in your bathroom thats just chilling.
Starving children are everywhere, not just africa, and africa is more technologically advanced than you think!
For the CIS! Roger Roger! (due to my pfp, I might as well)
Being Kind costs nothing but time and time well spent!
For Planet! For Species!
If you have made it this far, thank you. I was never gonna give you up!
Request: If you know the name of the system made by spacesharky (iirc) with a small amount of planets, a ringed semi earth like world with odd continents, a large blue gas giant by the name of Berion, a cyan-ish moon of berion with seas of tar, a launching moon that is green, with a green atmosphere and some purple as well. please can you comment on atleast 1 of my posts if you know its name and pls tell me or give me a link. Thank you
Status: ACTIVE(ish)
reason: Exams are over and I can die happy (not literally) as I got 80% for math! Just hope the other results are good, only lessons left until Thursday, and then holiday until the 8th of April
Hall of Pfp's
Disaster girl meme pfp removed on November 1st, 2024AD: I thought it'd be cool to use a battledroid, especially the B1's
Random facts:
Japan has spray on cold water for people to use on hot days according to an article (look its hot in my area lol im just wishing I had that lol)
Wifi was invented by accident, its also a misconception (possibly twisted by feminists or other ppl) that Hedy Lamar invented wifi, yet in actual fact she didnt, however she layed down the foundation for wireless technology by fixing the Issue with early US torpedoes during WW2 as they were frequency based and Germans could easily change the frequency to set it offcourse, (im not too sure I worded the story correctly, best you do your own research for clarification), Wifi was infact invented by accident in Australia as a researcher was doing research on Hawking Radiation.