I’m sure I’ll have a wonderful time destroying billions and billions of dollars worth of rocketry next year. And I do wish you the best in your SR2 career.
Holy cow, those are some sweet effects.
But to be honest, the runway I kind of unimpressive at the moment. I hope to see terrain elevation, buildings, trees lakes and more as development moves along. :)
I’m sure I’ll have a wonderful time destroying billions and billions of dollars worth of rocketry next year. And I do wish you the best in your SR2 career.
6.3 years ago@lolcreeper45
I don’t like the controls and my laptop is not powerful enough@AN2Felllla
6.3 years agoNice to see you mate
6.3 years ago@DarthAbhinav
Controls too finicky, computer not powerful enough
6.3 years ago@Shigure
No one until I'm back. Anyone can make a news thing, but if it is in any way imitating the SPW there will be stuff to pay.
6.3 years ago@Caveman999
life be old,
6.5 years agoand me mind be mold
Nice to see you here.
6.5 years agoOof
+2 6.5 years ago@NazyaMilitare
+1 6.5 years agoOk
6.6 years agoDepends on whether Hellfire is going to code it. If you’re talking about an in-built scaler, then I sure as heck hope so.
6.6 years ago@Blue0Bull
Absolutley amazing!
+4 6.6 years ago.
Also, Andrew Garrison Jr. confirmed?
The sky, clouds, airplanes, as well as an infinite number of celestial bodies.
6.6 years agoI haven’t thought about BrainPOP in years.
+2 6.6 years agoNuclear America:
Good good, use your hatred.
6.6 years ago@JoshMan
Also, he was still Supreme Chancellor Palpatine at the time he said “Do it” (during the battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY)
6.6 years agoEmpror Pulptine
6.6 years agoI’m sure Gestour and WNP will be on it once release comes.
+1 6.6 years agoPosting a source would be nice too.
6.6 years agoThanks for the response!
6.6 years ago@AndrewGarrison
I presume there will be WASD controls for PC/Mac?
+1 6.6 years agoOf course I’ve played SR1. I just sucked at it. :P
6.7 years ago@JoshMan
Well if it bombs then Jundroo is doomed.
6.7 years agoWhat?
6.7 years agoLol Apple Maps. XD
6.7 years agoThe modular idea is really great. Also, don’t forget thr three-tag limit. Unless you want to remove that. ;)
+2 6.7 years ago(jk)
Holy cow, those are some sweet effects.
+3 6.7 years ago.
But to be honest, the runway I kind of unimpressive at the moment. I hope to see terrain elevation, buildings, trees lakes and more as development moves along. :)
Wow looks great.
6.7 years agoThat’s awesome. Looks like you guys are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up!
+3 6.7 years ago@AndrewGarrison
That’s how you cook beans: southern’ style.
+3 6.7 years ago@Bmcclory
Will there be any buildings in the SR2 world? Like cities, offfices or bases?
+3 6.7 years agoHoly cow! That’s looks amazing! And the terrain in the background is beautiful.
+4 6.7 years agoSemi-impressed.
6.7 years ago@tsampoy
slow clap
6.7 years agoOf course you can, just don’t call it the SimpleRockets Weekly. Call it comething else, like “SR2 News” or “Rocket Update.”
6.7 years ago@Bmcclory
6.7 years ago@MrTaco
Where has he said this? I’m not doubting you, just asking.
6.8 years ago@MrTaco
I guess that gif is of your great-grandpa Firebox.
6.8 years agoOof
6.8 years ago@iLikeipads
Click it.
6.8 years ago@iLikeipads
This is you
6.8 years agoLol Thanks.
6.8 years ago@Chancey21
6.8 years ago@Chancey21
It’s in development you know...
6.8 years agoI added it to my list. Lookin’ good so far!
6.8 years agoWhoopdedooda.
6.8 years ago@Chancey21
6.8 years ago@JoshMan
6.8 years ago@LiamW
That’s pretty much what I just said though. :P
6.8 years ago@LiamW