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joined 4.6 years ago

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Hello there,
I am BayouRex ( Ba-you-Rex
I am currently uploading monthly or so, And I’m back from the dead.
I am currently funding ESO(RP not real)( this may be incorrect now)
Currently year in game is 2028, December 5th
I have been on this website for over a few years and I seen this community grow and change.
here’s a link to my website (outdated again(

Hey you didn’t forget I exist, I’m not going to upload for a while, sadly I have a life, and a company to run in discord…
early Rockets for a dizzy Sever (1948-1957’s), and a few random aircraft, and something else.

Also I’m running RP Aerospace Program in a Dizzy sever (May upload one of the rockets soon??? Who knows???)

I Am still dead.

Have a good day.