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joined 1.4 years ago

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HEADSPACE aims to cut costs at every opportunity. The Droods get Ug Boots instead of Space Boots, itchy polyester stitching instead of cotton, their MRE’s consist mainly of ground up, recycled food scraps from the cafeteria rubbish bins and their backpacks contain a kaleidoscope and a yoyo instead of oxygen tanks. The yoyo is for carrying out gravitational and various other atmospheric experiments, while it’s case doubles as a MRE food bowl (the string is used for flossing afterwards). The kaleidoscope is perfect for looking at the stars that are just out of sight and some promising students are working on an auto-mapping system for it.

During the time they’ve been assigned to HeadSpace, the Droods have become very efficient at scrounging and recycling. They find many things they are able to fix or piece together to make other things. Many things they find are dropped by the Drood directly in front of them. Sometimes the things they find belong to others.

They dream of stepping foot on another planet and turning it green. Our most senior scientist is on the case, inventing a paint for the job that will withstand the rigours of space travel. His newest breakthrough involved the discovery of needing to make and mix both blue and yellow. This recent enlightenment has set his schedule back many months.

Excited about the New Year, the Droods are trying to discover ways they can implement it into their products. It’s not every day they get something new. It’s usually recycled scraps (Where did that cafeteria rubbish bin go?) so they are expecting some major breakthroughs in R&D in the coming months. Still waiting for that planetary green paint, so who knows?

No-one complains, as long as everything is shiny…


- The list below is my personal career path and the contracts/crafts will work in this order, given the prerequisites.
- If it doesn’t work the first time, retry!
- If it doesn’t work 3 times in a row, lower your quality settings a little. I have my iPhone SE set to default for testing purposes while my iPad is set quite a bit higher.
- Fast forward recommendations: Up to 10x for rockets and up to 2x for rovers and planes unless otherwise specified in the download post.


The Droodman Side
Common Ground
Backyard Scientist

Vertical Shot
Flight Termination System
Going Sideways 30km
Going Sideways 100km + Wet Rockets 🆕

Check Your Staging

Going High 🆕
Going Sideways 500km + Lightspeed 1.00km/s 🆕
- Lightspeed 2.00km/s

Chemistry Lover

Novice Managers
RC Enthusiast

Bird Wanna-be

System Engineers
Fidget Spinners

Static Electricity

OP Leaf Blowers

Efficiency 100 -90 TP


Offroader -50 TP

Pushing Air -70 TP =180 TP

If your packages don’t land, check settings at bottom of page

Other Crafts




Prerequisites: Backyard Scientist

There are 80 different fireworks and the cost parameters get very tight after a few repeats. These will take a long time to finish. If it’s possible to do multiple fireworks missions under final cost with a single rocket, I will get there.

  • Fireworks 14km 3742 BP
  • Fireworks 15km 3873 BP
  • Fireworks 16km 4000 BP
  • Fireworks 20km 4472 BP
  • Fireworks 21km 4583 BP
  • Fireworks 22km 4690 BP
  • Fireworks 23km 4796 BP
  • Fireworks 24km 4899 BP
  • Fireworks 25km 5000 BP
  • Fireworks 27km 5196 BP
  • Fireworks 28km 5292 BP
  • Fireworks 29km 5385 BP
  • Fireworks 31km 5568 BP
  • Fireworks 32km 5657 BP
  • Fireworks 34km 5831 BP
  • Fireworks 43km 6557 BP
  • Fireworks 45km 6708 BP
  • Fireworks 50km 7071 BP
  • Fireworks 60km 7745 BP

Feel free to leave a comment if any crafts don’t work for you. Users’ devices and settings vary, causing different outcomes. I can update if necessary!

Special thanks to goz for the inspiration and use of his programming! Many hours must have gone into it. Keep up the awesome work!

🇦🇺 Playing on iPad Air 3rd Generation
Testing on iPhone SE

Minimum Settings:
- Update Frequency = Low
- Physics Distance = 2km