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joined 2.3 years ago

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Eduarddo Musk™

Hello everybody! My name is Eduarddo, I'm a young Brazilian and I love the aerospace world with all my energies! In early 2020 I came across some Falcon 9 releases, and then that's when I introduced myself to this wonderful world! I love SpaceX and modern companies that aim to create a space economy with all my might, as it really helps our development as a human species!!

I work and support my friend Nell at Orbital Systems! Click on the image to know our brand!

Twitter - YouTube 2023®

You can check out some of my crafts

Click on the image

Works in progress currently:

I get frequent questions about which device I play JNO, well, I use a Xiaomi Redmi note 11S, with 1 year of use. It's not the best device in the world to play this game, but it could become if there's some optimization for mobile players!

Please follow me on my Twitter and stay tuned for my new posts about new developments!