Player Biography
Hello! I am an innocent dude who loves rocket science and physics!
Ok, so on to my crafts. Crafts that use my CLS, the Custom Launch System, are launched like the following:
1: Fly like normal, gravity turn and all.
2: Keep engines at 20 percent OR ELSE!
I’m still trying to remember my password so I can upload crafts from my computer, but so far these are my crafts (see posts tab). I plan to do other things like release my interplanetary vehicle prototypes, and fix them too.
So far I have worked on a series of new capsules.
Mark 2 capsule: still in development
Mark 3 capsule: simple lander/multipurpose capsule, except for docking. /!\ Not the most fuel efficient! /!\
Mark 4 capsule: capsule that is meant to dock - so far is the only capsule with it’s own dedicated rocket.
Mark 5 capsule: in extremely high development! The prototype isn’t even finished. ETA, a few months.
Thank you for taking the time for reading this, and have a good day! (Or night ;) )