@AstronautPlanes That is correct, however another reason is due to the thruster shape. All the SSTO vehicles use a bell shaped nozzle for all altitudes. This is a problem since as you ascend the air pressure changes. Lower air pressure means that gasses can expand more. For example in multi staged rockets, the shape of the engine is optimised. In lower altitudes, the bell is shorter and opposite in a vacuum. Having a bell that is only optimal at a single altitude lowers the overall engine efficiency. Essentially, these big bell shaped nozzle at high altitude expand the gases so much that it exhaust gases down to near vacuum pressures (no thrust forward).
@Jerba The atmosphere moves with the earths rotation. Since there is no air in space and it just a vacuum, the top of the elevator will just stay in place until the motion from the bottom reaches it and thus it will cause it to bend and you get the idea.
@nathanmagnus will mustard do?
+1 6.4 years ago@Phoza Actually majority are correct. For number 9, you can scroll down. I posted the answer in a reply.
+1 6.4 years ago@nathanmagnus Hell yea. Ty so much.
+1 6.4 years ago@AstronautPlanes That is correct, however another reason is due to the thruster shape. All the SSTO vehicles use a bell shaped nozzle for all altitudes. This is a problem since as you ascend the air pressure changes. Lower air pressure means that gasses can expand more. For example in multi staged rockets, the shape of the engine is optimised. In lower altitudes, the bell is shorter and opposite in a vacuum. Having a bell that is only optimal at a single altitude lowers the overall engine efficiency. Essentially, these big bell shaped nozzle at high altitude expand the gases so much that it exhaust gases down to near vacuum pressures (no thrust forward).
+1 6.4 years ago@nathanmagnus can i deliver hotdogs?
+1 6.4 years ago@Jerba The atmosphere moves with the earths rotation. Since there is no air in space and it just a vacuum, the top of the elevator will just stay in place until the motion from the bottom reaches it and thus it will cause it to bend and you get the idea.
6.4 years ago@RailfanEthan wow, what a coincidence!
6.4 years ago@AstronautPlanes If you are asking about SSTO's, then the answer is no. There are multiple articles and research papers on this online.
6.4 years ago@nathanmagnus sounds good
6.4 years ago@mjdfx150529 hard to forget such a story haha.
6.4 years ago@PriyanshuRoy i believe that is in fact correct.
6.4 years ago@PriyanshuRoy Ye it is 20km/s. It is quite easy but if you want to challenge your self you may go ahead and take into account the other factors.
6.4 years ago@TNTblast500 That is correct, i have mentioned that below in the comments as well.
6.4 years ago@AstronautPlanes hahaha exactly.
6.4 years ago@NazyaMilitare i wish haha
6.4 years ago@PriyanshuRoy Thanks for the feedback, i will change it now.
6.4 years ago@RailfanEthan goodn't
6.4 years ago@GamingLaptopNoob good
6.4 years ago