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    @AnotherFireFox your right but i have a feeling
    that these arent waterproof

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    @Pejayous one reason... water in the engine

    5.5 years ago
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    @Pejayous. Monopropellent is a broad term that means any propellent that doesn’t need an oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide is a monoprop but so is hydrazine I wanted to see if he could add any specific ones

    5.5 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison i have a question for the future do you have plans for putting fuels like UDMH, Ethanol, NTO, WFNA, RFNA, Hydrogen peroxide and such?

    +3 5.5 years ago
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    @Kell its all good, i still enjoy this game alot and think it has so much potential

    5.5 years ago
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    there is alot of bugs with the tools like auto switching from local to absoulute and some times teleporting your parts not to mention translation and rotation right now straight up dont work

    5.5 years ago
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    Bugsss bugss everywhereeee good godd

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    really good suggestions, i agree with all of them

    5.5 years ago
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    This update is amazing here is what i think you should change :)
    I assume youre gonna change the exhaust color for hydrolox and methalox. I like how you made the engine very customizable but i think you could make it slightly more customizable, you should implenent a visual change to the engine when you change the throat radius.
    You should also allow for a change in the nozzle length for all the engine nozzle types like omega, alpha, delta. This is just my opinion this update is great regardless

    5.5 years ago