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joined 4.0 years ago

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Bio in Brief

Black African introverted adult, who is an enthusiast in science and tech, including space, exploration and games.

Am a Simple, no-name Jack
Can't do a lot of stuff but really interested in learning, not being a master of much really (thus a Jack of trades, but Master of None).

Stumbled upon SR2 during first international COVID-19 lockdowns. Loved the idea of space and exploration in a simulation game.

Not much time for building complex stuff, with work, family and all.
Preference of the simplest, minimalist ways around things.

Non-coder, cant do much Vizzy. Not a specialist/exclusive/expert builder. I'm mostly a tinkerer, also retrofitter.

Fictional company name is New Vistas Expeditions Program (NVEP).

Main Interests of Company: Design, Build, Test and Exploration.

In more Detail
I'm a native black African introverted individual, interested in many fields of knowledge, without being an expert in any of them particularly. I'm no genius but Iove to learn about many things, even if I can't fully retain or master all of them. I'm a sort of an aspiring Jack of All trades, Master of None. I keep on hoping for much, even if I'll not be able to grasp all, keeping on stretching to reach out for them even if I may not get them.

I love the opening up of access to knowledge and experience to all, regardless of capability of access or capability to mastering concepts.

A Science, Astronomy and Exploration enthusiast, I stumbled upon Space simulation games some time ago. I fell in love with SimpleRockets 2. Unfortunately, I enjoyed the game for quite a while on pirated free versions because of circumstances. However, some time ago, I came to my senses, strived to legally buy the game and did so shortly before rejoining the Community under a new name -rebranding my self- a New Genesis, with exploring New Vistas set in sight, expanding beyond previously understood Frontiers.

Not too smart (as I mentioned before), not too much time on my hands, thus I'm a fan of simple minimalist solutions that are easy to get, easy to implement and easy to master. Thus in-game, I'm a fan of simple small part count but fun and effective craft designs. (I play on a simple low specs -thus low RAM device not capable of handling complex designs)

I'd like for a realism based simple minimalist simulation experience in the game.

I'm just a simple African everyman Jack, of no significant name. Maybe just call me a Master_ of _None.

My fictional company is called New Vistas Expeditions Program (NVEP), with no fixed real life space agency as inspiration, rather taking inspiration from all accessible information. It's interests are design, building, testing and exploration, using various forms of transportation as in ground, air, water and space transportation. Thus I am not an expert builder exclusive to certain things, but mostly all rounder basic tinkerer. Builds will mostly be basic, oftenly retrofits.

In the interest of enjoying the game more and without getting too lost in the complexity of the design of crafts, my fictional company will be utilising the most Simple aspects of craft building to go around the complexity issue. Complex good crafts take too much time to build alone, particularly being older and have a job and family, there isn't too much time to go around. Will every once in a while consider more complex builds.

Previously known as NewVistasExpeditions, MasterOfNone