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Hello, you might be wondering who or what is NeS Program?
NeS Program stands for Neutral economics Space Program, in reality this started off back in 2013 the original name is NeS Orbital Program (NeS back then had no meaning)
now here's the alternate realty where NeS Program is a real thing
NeS Program founded in 1984 by Bobby Nixon, the first private space company mostly making motherboards for satellites and other various rocket parts over time we started launching our own payloads into orbit, now in 2024 we launch anything, we build space stations and land on the moon. now of course we are still learning and we have had messed up lots of times in the pass but that's the way this job works luckily no one has died in these accidents.
we also have a sub-company, Joseph Aircraft Manufacture
They make planes if you couldn't tell.

here's my Gmail if you have any questions: