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joined 6.7 years ago

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Player Biography  

This bio is from my Simpleplanes Account, so Most of it is the Same

My Simpleplanes Account

Hello there, I'm Crashfighter05, and I don't make planes. I mostly focus on my NoGo line of cars, and I might make some trucks soon too. This account was made 1.3 years ago before the game was even released, and I've only played once. Now I make in my opinion, good cars and a frequent poster.

My SR2 Account


Get to platinum - N/a
Have 100 Followers - 10/19
Make a semi better than Strikefighter04 - n/a
Play for one year - 10/1/18
Play for 2 years - 10/1/19

NoGo Cars page link
NoGo's official Site

Current Build(s)

Helpful Stuff
How to Make a Map
Text Formatting

Previously known as CrashFighter05