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The Pacific Space team are a group of dedicated engineers and space enthusiasts who are passionate about manufacturing rockets for the future and bringing space exploration for JNO players

Meet Nexus

The Simple Solution For Complex Missions

Nexus is a reusable, two-stage small-to-medium lift launcher capable of missions from Droo to Brigo, Luna, Cylero, and beyond. The design is an evolution of best-in-class architecture solutions, with strategic design choices to prioritize reliability, efficiency, and cost-savings. Intentionally designed to meet the needs of today's and tomorrow's payloads, Nexus can launch:

•18,500 kg to Low Droo Orbit (LDO)

•5,500 kg to a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO)

By fusing 3D printing, autonomous robotics, and artificial intelligence, Pacific Space is printing its rockets structure and engines, significantly reducing touch points and lead times, simplifying the supply chain, and increasing overall system reliability. Pacific Space can create Nexus from raw material within 30 days

Our Vision


We believe in a future where interplanetary life fundamentally expands the possibilities for human experience. In realizing this audacious vision, our long-term goal is to upgrade droomanity’s industrial base on Droo, Luna and Cylero

Latest News

June 14, 2024
Booster Guidance Return Test Flight

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Previously known as OpenWorldGaming, NASAsfsSR2, RelativitySpaceSr2, PhilippinePacificSpace